Monday, September 12, 2005


Here it is: in black and white, written by reputable journalists and published by the most reliable news organizations this country has to offer. What’s going to happen now that some of us are paying attention to what’s going on in our government? Impeachment and a thorough cleaning out of this nest of parasites that are sucking the blood from our country?
Or more hand-wringing and Diaspora (defined in The Encarta Dictionary as a scattering of a people, language, or culture that was formerly concentrated in one place)?

All The President’s Friends

Bush Cronies to Mop Up Katrina

Leaders Lacking Disaster Experience

These three headlines and links to the full text of the articles should be enough to wake up the most comatose citizens of this country, the good ol’ USA—or what’s left of us.

I’m a native North Carolinian: a Southerner by birth, born when segregation was a real thing with separate water fountains at the local Sears and separate entrances to the bus station, among other humiliations for black folks to overcome. I left the South, and I traveled the world and the United States and over time I learned to overcome the innate prejudice that any white Southerner born in those times has had to overcome in order to be a human being. I have learned that black doesn’t rub off. I have learned that the hair on the head of a black child is soft and it’s okay to touch: it’s okay to love a black person. Also along the way, I have learned that the black race is the stronger race...both in heart and in genetics. What I have learned in my travels is that anywhere I go, if I find the black section of town, I am at home. The black culture is the same no matter where it resides: the love of family, the devotion of parents to children, the devotion of children to parents. I won’t speak of the exceptions—that’s not my point—every race has bad apples. But. Generally speaking, the black folks have carried their culture from Africa to the United States of America and no matter how we (white people) have tried to destroy it, that culture has remained intact and presently represents the only hope that my country has: we need a black woman in the White House. We need her sons and daughters taking a good hard look at what’s become of this country under the past few administrations and we need the change that only heart and soul and love and down-home values can bring.

Barring a ‘black woman in the White House’, we need people who care—the current crop of pirates certainly doesn’t.


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