The New Inquisition?
As concerns Spokane mayor Jim West, it seems the higher the rocks are lifted in the Inland Northwest, the higher and gamier the smell that oozes from years of what potentially is a vast collection of pedophiles in this community.
The pedophile priests of this diocese just got their organization hit with a huge loss as Catholic Church property was declared by a federal bankruptcy judge to be owned by the church and therefore could be liquidated to reimburse victims of child molestation by these priests. (Of course, ‘for the good of the parishioners, etc.’, there will be an appeals process that might take nearly a decade to complete.)
How long did the Inquisition last? Isn’t this the history of the Catholic Church? There would appear to be precedents set long ago for these arrogant men made more arrogant by association with others of their ilk to do as they will with whatever weaker group they choose.
As far as the Inquisition goes, they can say all they want about it being to ‘root out the Devil’. I just don’t buy that anymore than I can buy the idea that grown men can’t keep their hands off little children because their sexual needs are more important than the child in front of them. I consider the Inquisition one huge frolic by Catholic psychopaths who discovered that torturing women was great fun. Their present-day brothers are no better.
Catholic Psychopaths: let’s rename them and call them what they were then and are now: psychopath, defined in the The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition as a ”person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse”.
As the victims of these men no doubt know, there is no amount of money that will compensate them for the loss of their innocence, idealism, childhood, and trust. However, perhaps it will go a long way to salve their pain.
I, for one, celebrate the federal bankruptcy court ruling, and I question why the huge and profitable Catholic hospitals in the Pacific Northwest are not also included in this ruling. After all, they exist as Catholic entities and pump, no doubt, untold and untaxed millions of dollars into Catholic purses, which incidentally would go a long way in alleviating some of the tax shortages that Spokane is currently facing.
There is probably a vast litany of reasons why I am wrong about this but why isn’t church property taxed these days? It seems to me that the tax-exempt status was fine when the churches were small and struggling, but at this time they are huge and profitable (to somebody, somewhere). Tax them, for instance, not at the collection plate level, but once these ‘charitable’ institutions reach a certain financial level, then they should be taxed like the rest of American corporations.
Luckily, I realize now, I was raised in North Carolina by jumped-up Calvinists and Southern Baptists and I knew right off the bat that the preacher was borderline crazy just by listening to him rant and rave on Sunday morning. My folks pretty much stayed home on Sunday and listened to Oral Roberts (“HEAL!”) and read the Bible as their own form of ‘religion’. There wasn’t a child molester among them and Christianity was a daily prescription for how to live your life: you either knew the difference between right and wrong, or an adult taught it to you very quickly. God bless those folks.
The pedophile priests of this diocese just got their organization hit with a huge loss as Catholic Church property was declared by a federal bankruptcy judge to be owned by the church and therefore could be liquidated to reimburse victims of child molestation by these priests. (Of course, ‘for the good of the parishioners, etc.’, there will be an appeals process that might take nearly a decade to complete.)
How long did the Inquisition last? Isn’t this the history of the Catholic Church? There would appear to be precedents set long ago for these arrogant men made more arrogant by association with others of their ilk to do as they will with whatever weaker group they choose.
As far as the Inquisition goes, they can say all they want about it being to ‘root out the Devil’. I just don’t buy that anymore than I can buy the idea that grown men can’t keep their hands off little children because their sexual needs are more important than the child in front of them. I consider the Inquisition one huge frolic by Catholic psychopaths who discovered that torturing women was great fun. Their present-day brothers are no better.
Catholic Psychopaths: let’s rename them and call them what they were then and are now: psychopath, defined in the The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition as a ”person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse”.
As the victims of these men no doubt know, there is no amount of money that will compensate them for the loss of their innocence, idealism, childhood, and trust. However, perhaps it will go a long way to salve their pain.
I, for one, celebrate the federal bankruptcy court ruling, and I question why the huge and profitable Catholic hospitals in the Pacific Northwest are not also included in this ruling. After all, they exist as Catholic entities and pump, no doubt, untold and untaxed millions of dollars into Catholic purses, which incidentally would go a long way in alleviating some of the tax shortages that Spokane is currently facing.
There is probably a vast litany of reasons why I am wrong about this but why isn’t church property taxed these days? It seems to me that the tax-exempt status was fine when the churches were small and struggling, but at this time they are huge and profitable (to somebody, somewhere). Tax them, for instance, not at the collection plate level, but once these ‘charitable’ institutions reach a certain financial level, then they should be taxed like the rest of American corporations.
Luckily, I realize now, I was raised in North Carolina by jumped-up Calvinists and Southern Baptists and I knew right off the bat that the preacher was borderline crazy just by listening to him rant and rave on Sunday morning. My folks pretty much stayed home on Sunday and listened to Oral Roberts (“HEAL!”) and read the Bible as their own form of ‘religion’. There wasn’t a child molester among them and Christianity was a daily prescription for how to live your life: you either knew the difference between right and wrong, or an adult taught it to you very quickly. God bless those folks.
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