Saturday, August 13, 2005

Did you read recently that the Iraqis have ‘humanized’ the stoning process? Now, instead of each citizen picking up a stone and throwing it, they just dig a big hole with a bulldozer and toss the miscreant into the hole and shove the dirt in on top of him with the bulldozer. There are some parts to Islamic law that I think we need to be using here and especially in these cases. These sexual predators are not going to change. Ever. And I, for one, hope we have the good sense to tighten the laws around these people and I do not think that incarceration is a viable idea. I do not think that we should have to pay for food, television, toilet paper, laundry, for these people. I believe that one strike and you’re dead is not too radical. Mistakes will be made. I don’t care. Not one more child should be damaged by these beasts. Our testing methods, (correct me if I’m wrong) are such now that we can be sure beyond a reasonable doubt based on the DNA evidence and perhaps we need to avail ourselves of these technologies in these matters.


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