Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Just My Opinion

Compromise and Revolution

The only ones who don’t compromise are terrorists of one stripe or the other...when a group fails to address the concerns of another group, like the Palestinians for instance, then terrorism is a last resort. Capitalism is already dead. What we have now is something I don’t recognize: or would label Social Darwinism if it wasn’t such a dated term. Democracy here is on its last legs...people are too apathetic at this time to speak of drastic change. I fear that America as a concept of freedom is doomed if not already dead. I despair for my country. Revolution is many years away, but my grandchildren may exist in a country torn apart by civil unrest, and perhaps, be labeled ‘terrorists’ if they have no other way to protect the freedoms of this country than to take up arms against an oppressive regime. I have preached to them that our folks came to this country in 1735 and we (among others) envisioned, fought and died for, and demanded, the freedoms that America is founded on. Yes. We will gladly fight and die for those ideals. And, no. No greedy oil-fat politician is going to divest us of those freedoms.

Spokane Voters

The “voters” vote solely on knee-jerk response, or if someone else tells them who to vote for. Case in point: the mayor of Spokane: My neighbor, R. is a city employee: librarian. Her union told her to vote for this hypocrite because he would staunch the loss of funds from the city and save the libraries. She is a committed lesbian, but she voted for James West (with a long-term record of voting against anything furthering gay issues) instead of the other guy who had a lifetime history of moderation and liberal thinking, and was for all intents and purposes pro-gay. This is typical of these Spokanites. After living in Seattle and other places for almost thirty years these people make me crazy: rednecks with illusions of sophistication, for the most part. I can hear them now: “Why don’t you go back where you came from?” My answer is this: “No. I’m here now and I intend to be part of the change that Spokane needs.” And, no. Jim West didn’t rescue the libraries. Too busy chatting on, I guess...


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