Saturday, September 03, 2005

Genocide In America

The majority of desperate people in New Orleans are black, but there’s some white people in there, too. The commonality is the level of poverty: I can hear the ‘inside’ comments of our “leaders”. “Well, there’s going to be a big reduction in welfare, social security, public assistance—if we just wait a little longer.” Maybe I’m being simplistic, but I swear to God, these Republican arseholes are capable of doing this, based on what I’ve seen since they started running my country.

The puppet masters (whoever they may be—oil barons of one stripe or the other, I suspect)—have finally turned W. loose without a script at hand for him to read from and he’s mouthing the most banal of platitudes, and hugging on folks and accepting criticism: “the response is unacceptable...”, but it amounts to exactly nothing. What’s done is not going to be undone by another rich white mouth growing fatter on oil profits from inflated prices brought on by the tragedies of New Orleans. W. and his cronies had everything to gain by withholding essential aid from the people, and I, for one, have come to expect that this group of swine will consider profits before people in any event that enables the super-rich to get richer.

Our children are getting maimed and dying in Iraq. Somebody asked, “Why?”. W. wouldn’t take the time to answer because his keepers wouldn’t give him a script, is what I think.

Now, they have no choice. This man, “our President”, has to make an appearance and his real lack of anything approaching empathy and humanity is apparent.

Did y’all notice that “aid” waited until W. could lead the parade into New Orleans?

That’s all of us there in that flooded city. When will it be our turn to bite the bullet for the super rich?


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