Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Tendentious - written or spoken by somebody who obviously wants to promote a particular cause or who supports a particular viewpoint

It’s not about race: it’s about poverty. It’s about money.

All we poor folks are the new niggahs, sucking profits from the rich, making them angry because their taxes support us when their rape of the world has caused our poverty.

I see it as a pedestrian trying to cross the street from the bus stop to get home. I see the callous disregard for the life of someone who isn’t rich, isn’t driving a big, fat, gas-sucking SUV, talking on a cell phone, and holding a hot paper cup of Starbucks in their other hand when they flash through the crosswalk at higher than the speed limit even though other cars have stopped to let me cross.

I’ve taken to carrying pennies in my pocket, and once they’ve sped past a little bit, I spin a penny into their rear quarter panel. Sounds like a gunshot, from their reactions—but they don’t know where it came from, because I’m an old woman looking in the other direction.

Some old folks who couldn’t move too fast have been killed in the local crosswalks because of this superior, arrogant disregard for anyone not of the ‘moneyed class’. The sheer arrogance...the sheer ignorance...the sheer idea that these stupid “rich” folks who are living a more hand-to-mouth existence every single day would so disregard the plight of the poorest among them, when every moment brings poverty closer to their personal doors.

I have had some practice at ‘surviving’. I have made do with flour and water and a little saved-over bacon grease. In a fearsome pinch, in order to feed my grandchildren, I could kill anything. I can purify water and I can start a fire with just about anything anywhere. Me and mine are the real survivors, and to make sure that we survive, I will happily dine on arrogant yuppies if need be.



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