Thursday, September 29, 2005

Letter To A Canadian Friend

G'mornin', doll

Up at 0323 unable to sleep. Dr's appt yesterday and several more in October (for renal ultrasound and etc.). Was woman Dr. with arrogant attitude which was starting to piss me off until I noticed her right hand was hugely swollen which is one of the side effects of radical mastectomy that 'they' don't tell you about until it's too late to do anything about it. Her assistant/RN was writing for her... dr been pullin' da ol' cancer train, so to speak, meaning that my theory that the road to health is best taken in a direction away from drs. is probably the best, all things considered, and even lady docs are victims of modern 'medicine', which made her arrogance appear merely stupid.

Yes: the environment/Bush and Cronies/oil money/are all things currently on my mind in terms of things to watch for in the news...I’m waiting for a copy of Rachel Carson’s book 'Silent Spring' which I want to re-read before I take on the subject too much in blogos. As I remember, Carson stated that the 'cut-off' date for any effective change in our rape of the environment (largely in the pursuit of fossil fuel) was about 1956. Been so long since I read the book I don't exactly remember the details. It came out in mid-60's and she was vilified and deeply discredited because of what she wrote.

Funny. I’m spending a lot of time on history--music/message/ thought/ act/ whatever/ from the time before the 60's up until today and nothing in the way of activism is new. And even putting 'our' (our generation's) lives on the line was not enough. The journey to destruction culminating in the neo-conservative looting of the planet has been going on for a very long time.

I despair of change...the dolts running things down here are the worst of stupid and self-serving. I delight in anything that exposes them. Present events started out long before the assassination of JFK. That was the beginning of the end and nobody listened.

'Conspiracy' ( con's piracy?) ‘theorist’ was a label guaranteed to discredit anyone with a hint of truth to write about.

Nothing much has changed except Hurricane Katrina exposed the misery of poverty in America. Soon, the more elite (read those with a roof over their heads and a full belly) will simply go back to sleep and the neo-cons will continue to work their retro-magic of grinding anyone not in the top economic 1% into the mud of yet another Katrina.

I read on my site meter that I—Ian old woman—get regular visits from 'Reston, Virginia' (the home of the CIA, doncha know...) on my FancyRage site...and I can disappear compliments of the 'Patriot Act' without benefit of arrest or any of the former legal rights that allowed dissent in America. I can be held forever without anyone knowing my whereabouts. Anything can be done to me in the name of 'patriotism'.

I reiterate: my family came to this country in 1735 and fought to secure the freedoms of America in the American Revolution. I will gladly die for those freedoms and have a moral imperative to defend my country's ideals. It is as inherent in my genes as having two arms and two legs and being fearless in the defense of those freedoms with my words—IF the war comes to my door, I have a moral obligation to take up arms in defense of my country. In the meantime, I have no right to take a war to strangers who do not believe what I believe. And NOBODY has the right to change the basic tenets of American freedoms as set forth by the writers of The Declaration of Independence.

That is the average American, I believe...and that is no enemy of the Inuit or the polar bear. There is, however, an element of fear that is entirely new to my dissent.

(My, how I do run on...) hugs. dn


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