Sunday, September 18, 2005

At Least Somebody Cares About Rich and/or White Children

Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., said there is a need for dramatic spending cuts in "big-ticket items."

Raising taxes or not making permanent the president's tax cuts is not the answer now, said Pence, head of the Republican Study Group, the spearhead group for the GOP's most conservative members.

"We simply cannot break the bank of the federal budget," Pence told ABC's "This Week."

"We simply can't allow a catastrophe of nature to become a catastrophe of debt for our children and grandchildren," he said.

If people like Rep. Pence had taken care of business with the good of the country in mind, we wouldn't need to find billions of dollars. We could have fixed the "catastrophe of debt" for mere millions, but these folks were too busy stuffing pork into their own districts in order to assure re-election so they could keep on stuffing the trough, and probably, their own pockets.

And you can bet that each and every one of these "conservative members" is trying to figure out the best way to get in on the billions being shipped off to the Gulf Coast, although it would appear that Bush and cronies have the upper hand in pocket stuffing.

Sen. David Vitter, R-La., said tax increases will not be a part of the recovery plan he intends to offer this week. Although cuts in spending and delays in spending already approved will not be in his proposal, Vitter said he is open to considering such actions.

Vitter said people should not take on faith that Republicans will make cuts in light of the high spending during the Bush administration.

"We haven't been disciplined enough over the last 10 years. We need to do that, and we needed to do that before Katrina. We still need to do that over the medium and long term," Vitter said.

Anybody have any ideas on how to stop this legal Mafia?

(If fellow Republicans are saying things like this, how do any of us get control of our country?)

And, mercy, even Bill Clinton managed to stand up on his hind legs and say: "We depend on Japan, China, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, and Korea primarily to basically loan us money every day of the year," Clinton said.

"I don't think it makes any sense. I think it's wrong."

Jeez, Bill, nobody cares what the Republicans have got on you--nobody cares you got busted for hanky-panky in the Oval Office. Nobody cares what you did. But we surely do need you to stand up for your country now, and be more than Bush's other trained pet.

We need more heroes. And heroines.

These quotes (and others in this post) are from an editorial published in The Washington Post this morning. Full text of the editorial is here.


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