Have we lost our minds?
seems that good ol'
Facebook will not allow one to post even a picture of a
rifle--even one that is a giant part of American history. Have we lost
our minds?
…and I don’t understand why ANYBODY cares what a hillbilly
with a beard thinks about gay people…just sayin’. hillbilly’s got rights, too.
fucking liberals gotta get a life.
- First Amendment Center
- http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org -
Here are
3 ‘Duck Dynasty’ free-speech lessons
By Gene Policinski On December 20, 2013 @ 5:17 pm
OK, America: Here’s a quick, basic course in the First Amendment:
- Lesson #1.”Duck
Dynasty”’s Phil Robertson has a First Amendment right to state his views on homosexuality,
minorities and pretty much anything else on this unlikely reality-TV
star’s mind, whenever he wants.
- Lesson #2. The
A&E television network, which airs “Duck Dynasty,” has a First
Amendment right to declare publicly what it stands for, and to suspend Robertson if it doesn’t like
how he handled his free speech as outlined in lesson #1.
- Lesson #3. The
First Amendment and free speech are not “endangered species” as the result
of the flap, as some say. In fact, it’s a good teaching moment on how free speech
– as long as government stays out of the fray – works: Speech in Lesson #1
produces counter-speech in Lesson #2. And as a result (still Lesson #3, by
the way) on matters of public interest, we all talk about it a bit more
and the country is better off for the discussion.
End of First Amendment class.
Students and fellow citizens, you
may now return to your regularly scheduled program (unless it’s been
Gene Policinski is chief operating officer of the Newseum
Institute and senior vice president of its First Amendment Center. He can be
reached at gpolicinski@newseum.org.
Article printed from First Amendment Center: http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org
URL to article: http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/here-are-duck-dynasty
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