Saturday, February 23, 2013


Propaganda is being pushed at all of us—to do something about those damned guns.   On PBS, for instance, the true sponsors are people like the KOCH brothers and their ilk belonging to the top richest 1% population.  They’ve already damned near destroyed this country by manipulating stock market regulations, first, and then with whatever they did in crashing the stock markets once their lobbyists paid off Little Bush.  This isn’t paranoia—it’s right there in the history of the media.  I’ve got that saved if anyone needs to see the realities of what has—and is— happening to us.

The people who are listening to (heeding) that propaganda are those--in my uneducated ignorance—I call “Liberals”.  What I mean when I label people “Liberals” are those who make a judgment call by weighing the veracity of whatever propaganda is being pushed at them; who have no capacity to differentiate propagandized fantasy from the bleeding reality of the “common man”—that’s you and me, by the way.

Simply put, “you and me” have the most to lose if these rich assholes succeed in shoving their own best interests down the majorities’ throats and calling it “reality”.  Any shooting—either ghetto gangster  or the children of the educated middle class (mostly white) parents—is, of course, undesirable.
In the case of the Connecticut shooting, it becomes impossible to fight against the current propaganda being used to sway the majority towards emasculating The Second Amendment by saying anything that goes contrary to that rich-1%-financed-reporting and opinionating, else one appears ignorant, unfeeling—and in actuality—one is standing with nothing to offer that doesn’t appear ignorant, unfeeling, blood-thirsty, or gun-nutish.

A real and true Fucked-If-You-Do-Fucked-If-You-Don’t situation.

Being an old white cynic raised in Jim Crow south, I have to think that if the Connecticut school shooting had happened in Detroit, for instance, in a predominately black elementary school, would we be enduring so much reporting on the aftermath?  Would that event have precipitated, potentially, an unalterable change in the fabric of our country?

The Constitution of the United States of America and 10 original amendments to The Constitution of the United States of America—The Bill of Rights—states in The Second Amendment:

Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Our folks who wrote our first documents must have known that the most important words were NECESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE

And FREEDOM at ANY cost is the most important concept any of us can dredge up to fight the well-thought-out and deliberate attempts by the richest 1% to gradually and inexorably bring us to our knees, to enslave us, to continue their march toward Social Darwinism as if they have the right to do so.   (Not the first time in our history this was tried—look it up.)

They do not have that right.  Their wealth does not give them the right to enslave Americans.  Their wealth does not give them the right to use any means necessary to march the rest of us towards poverty and eventually enslavement, destitution, hunger, and the decline of a population worked to death with no hope of ever getting enough sustenance to support a better life.

So, because the rich own the media, they've made the issue about guns rather than about freedom.  But this is about nothing more and nothing less than freedom from tyranny—the very issue that caused the writers of The Constitution and The Bill of Rights to chose the words they wrote down for us.

Of course we won’t give up our guns—but they will take them from our “cold, dead hands” and continue to enslave us if they are allowed to continue their ownership of all media, which is being used to force feed us their propaganda.  (another so-called ‘benefit’ of de-regulation)

What I say to that is an old graffiti from the Sixties:  EAT THE RICH

I understand those words now. 
You understand this one:



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