True Face Of The Tea Party

If you want to see the true face of The Tea Party, revisit photographs from the Civil Rights Movement—look at the faces of the teenaged bullies; the hate-crazed women. Look at the spittle that’s flying out of their mouths as they yell adult nastiness at children. Look at the red, anger-bloated faces of those guys. That’s the Tea Party—all grown up, gotten old, made some money, retired, with time on their hands.
The Tea Party is what’s left of the Sixties racist—and liberals are standing around wringing their hands because they don’t have the balls to get out there and counter this threat to social progress and democracy.
What? Do you feel like you ‘done your part’? Got no energy left?
Move it or lose it, people—get out there one more damned time and put feets in the streets for what you believe in.
Because, here’s the deal—next time it won’t be about race. The crazies will be coming for the poor—and right now, that looks like it will be most of us. Oh—and don’t forget about the disabled, the elderly, the mentally ill, and the other 90% of humanity deemed rabble by our good ol’ Top 1% Rich Folks.

I do hate to go off into woo-woo territory—places inhabited by folks too easily labeled screwballs, wingnuts, conspiracy theorists,etcetera—but, unless we grab control of our politics now, there isn’t any other foreseeable outcome.

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