Work, or something like it.
Monday, May 23 2005 9:33 am
Subject: capitalist rant
Updated: Saturday, February 07, 2009
Work, or something like it.
I currently work for a famous ISP and it's not YahooOnline if you get my
drift. It is outsource through one of the shadiest international corporations
And a constant personal battle to keep my ethics intact and still stay
within the "box" that gets smaller and smaller every day.
The whole "outsource" thing is designed to enslave the American worker.
The main complaint I hear from members is the one about the hassles of communicating with outsourced billing and technical support to
foreign countries, predominately Muslim countries at that.
Putting American credit information into those hands has already resulted in huge thefts of credit card information, coincidentally, which really is just another money-maker for the (so-called) masters of the universe—probably a real cash cow when you think about what it costs to recover your identity after it’s stolen.
Criticism of the status quo will, no doubt, get me fired if __O_ gets wind of it, but "the truth shall set you free", I’ve heard.
I am one year from early retirement and trying like hell to get Social Security Disability which is an uphill battle.
There are not that many jobs in Spokane, Washington, and the people who live here are not the sort of folks who understand and/or protest the things that are happening in our community and culture.
Our supervisors are more "Judas goats" than anything else they might be told they’re being paid for, and whose main function is to lead us (they try in my case) to believe that the daily changes are for our benefit.
Bull, sez I...they think only of themselves, and not their children and grandchildren coming behind us: no insurance. no benefits. Just a giant corporate rip-off of American working class folks. And we are too stupid to catch on until the cow in front of us gets the hammer.
That's my rant and I’m sticking to it.
February 07, 2009
(And then she smiled because now she's retired...)
Now that the ‘cow in front of us’ resides solidly in the ‘middle class’ and all sorts of really rich people are seeing that hammer coming down on the formally immune from poverty—it pleases the hell out of me to see them suffer and whine; pule and cry; whimper and scatter about like the prey they are and always have been.
Me? I’m a survivor with a sense of justice and a sense of humor. I’m lovin’ this—the chaos of the wealthy, the rich, the well-off.
Nothing much has changed for the likes of me and mine.
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