Monday, July 14, 2008


One thing we could always count on no matter which end of the political spectrum we were on was our basic humanity. That is what made us "Americans".

Perhaps some in the world labeled us 'foolish' and our kindness was mistaken for weakness but we had the strength to be humane; the goodness of American spirit to reach out to our enemies with the commonality of the human herd.

We no longer have that commonality with the Bush administration—they are cold, cruel, and they are the enemy. That’s the feeling I have, at any rate.

Getting rich at the expense of the poor—taking food and medical care from the mouths of children and other weak members of our society— while robbing the country blind, incidentally— is no less illegal and reprehensible than torturing other human beings for specious intelligence in the ‘fight against terror’.

Torture is the work of cowards and cowards are not Americans. They are not brave. I do not know who these ‘neo-cons’ really are, or where they came from, but they are NOT Americans.

They are NOT my pgeople. They are the enemy. They ARE cowards. They ARE criminals who break our laws and our traditions and destroy our country from within.

Surely, we have never had such an enemy in the lifetime of our nation.