Sunday, July 31, 2011

Common Sense and Reason:

Norway, 2011 July

Yet another Crazy retaliates against abuse of the People’s will by killing the wrong folks—it’s the richest of the rich, Stupid!

It’s the politicians at the crux of law and greed bought and paid by the richest of the rich.

We have to rise in spirit—not blood.

Otherwise we will not succeed, but rather further our own enslavement every time a bullet leaves the barrel of a gun.

There was a graffito that one could see here and there writ large on the walls of the 1960’s: “EAT THE RICH”. Perhaps the counter culture of the times recognized that ‘the rich’ were not really all that rich and so had no reason and therefore not much will to attack the rich of those times. These days, however, with deregulation of the laws, rules, and regulations that kept all classes of people safe from the dangers and greed of the richest of the rich, (and aspirants to being among the richest of the rich) we simple folks who merely want to live free surrounded by the small enjoyments of life have no option other than violence to change our fate. The subjugation and enslavement of We, the People is inevitable, and if not us, then certainly our children will be slaves and lackeys to the excesses of the richest of the rich.

The one percent of the richest one percent among us buy the laws that further their ends. If you think that we still control our own destiny with the vote, or any other similar myth, think again.

What happened to Obama, the man so many of us loved and trusted to change the Clinton/Bush era treasons?

Read this, from The Fiscal Times July 20, 2011


When Obama was elected, I had hopes it would be the first step in turning back the rising tide of inequality. With a Democrat in power, Labor’s bargaining position would be strengthened, taxes would be more progressive as the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy were allowed to expire, there would be more attention to education problems that restrict opportunities to escape poverty, and benefits to the poor would be enhanced. In short, I expected a strong push for a wide array of progressive, equality enhancing reforms.

But except for healthcare – an important achievement I don’t want to overlook – Obama’s leadership on these issues has been mostly missing. And in some cases – e.g. allowing the extension of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, his seeming willingness to cut Social Security and Medicare, and his embrace of austerity – the policies the President has endorsed have taken us in the wrong direction. The rich and powerful appear to have as much sway as ever, and the policies that have been enacted under Obama reflect that…


©2009-2011 The Fiscal Times

And, so.

Wealthier friends of mine (those not living totally on whatever Social Security provides) have started calling me to complain about the economic situation that is beginning to affect them. Where were they last year—the year before, or the year before that—when I railed against my own worsening economic situation? Why can’t all that many people see that as these events continue they have nowhere to go but up the socio-economic pyramid. If you aren’t affected by now, you soon will be. If it isn’t stopped. If we aren’t silenced by our own poverty. Or the handy-dandy self-serving rules and laws created by whore politicians in the service of the wealthiest (and coldest hearted) among us don’t finally prevent our small voices from being heard at all.