As I See It (On The Way To The Poorhouse)
As I see it, the riff-raff, the racists, the anarchists in ball hats, the crazies, don’t like to see a black man doing good as president.
It’s just that simple. I grew up with black and white racism and I know it when I see it.
The Tea Party rank and file don’t give a damn if their so-called ‘political party’ is buttressed by the millions of dollars stolen from the working class over the past thirty years by the power-and-financially elite of this country who don’t want their gravy train to end even as it starves the rest of us into submission in this third world economy.
And the thing is, they’ll keep coming back until they win, and they’ll keep laughing up their sleeves whilst they tell us their lies and feed us dreams of gettin’ that ‘damned nigger out the white house’.
That’s all it is—plain ol’ ignorant racism funded by rich white assholes who oughta be in jail instead of out here among us destroying our democracy.
Why don’t yawl just shut the fuck up and think about it.
Stay home.
Stay away from the Rallies for Idiots.
Give the black dude a damned chance—he’s a good man with a good heart and that’s why WE, THE MAJORITY voted him into the office of President of the United States.
And since he’s been in office—not counting all the crap you idiots threw out there pre-election—all you’ve done is whine and gather the other idiots around you until those extremely rich old white assholes saw a good thing for themselves and threw a bunch of money at you which, if the ‘Tea Party Movement’ succeeds will bring this country to its knees and make things so much worse for us than your imagination tells you it is now.
For god’s sake, people—get a fucking clue.
Get out of our newspapers.
Get off our television screens.
Get off our streets.
Go back where you came from and read a damned book.