Email To Fox News
From: []
To: ‘’
Subject: FIRE Bill O’ Reilly
Jeezus h. Christ. I am so sick of you and your kind tainting and weighing the minds of people with your brand of self-interested delusional reporting that does nothing more than separate us from each other in this country while you sit in your no doubt first class padded chair pontificating in favor of treasonous usurpers of American freedom simply in order to add more padding to your already over-stuffed chair. Lynch Michelle O’bama for what she said about ‘being proud of America for the first time in her life”? I’m white. I’m old. I agree with her. Spin that. And while you’re at it, whoever catches these emails before you hand them off to the vacuum named ‘Bill O’Reilly’, fire this man—let him figure out how to get the groceries home on the bus in a snowstorm like so many of us are doing these days. Then, after he’s gone without his fancy life for a year or two, hire him back—if he’ll still work for you—and I’ll bet he’ll be shouting out the other side of his mouth about the social injustice in America. Sit on it, people. We’re tired and we ain’t gonna take anymore. (‘Network’, right?)
To: ‘’
Subject: FIRE Bill O’ Reilly
Sent: Sat 2/23/2008 8:53 AM
Jeezus h. Christ. I am so sick of you and your kind tainting and weighing the minds of people with your brand of self-interested delusional reporting that does nothing more than separate us from each other in this country while you sit in your no doubt first class padded chair pontificating in favor of treasonous usurpers of American freedom simply in order to add more padding to your already over-stuffed chair. Lynch Michelle O’bama for what she said about ‘being proud of America for the first time in her life”? I’m white. I’m old. I agree with her. Spin that. And while you’re at it, whoever catches these emails before you hand them off to the vacuum named ‘Bill O’Reilly’, fire this man—let him figure out how to get the groceries home on the bus in a snowstorm like so many of us are doing these days. Then, after he’s gone without his fancy life for a year or two, hire him back—if he’ll still work for you—and I’ll bet he’ll be shouting out the other side of his mouth about the social injustice in America. Sit on it, people. We’re tired and we ain’t gonna take anymore. (‘Network’, right?)