Friday, November 09, 2007

What America Learned In Viet Nam

What America learned in Viet Nam—and what America is learning in Iraq—is that the will of the people cannot be defeated.

America needs to remember that in these times We, the People, must have the will to defeat the forces of the military-industrial complex currently controlling our country and our world.

Defeating Social Darwinism which the neo-cons and theo-cons call ‘progress’, and which in reality is as old as the 18th century and which has been discredited for many years must take precedence over such idiotic and manipulated issues as gay rights and abortion. People who oppose these criminals must no longer be labeled ‘anti-progressive’, ‘out of touch’ , ‘dated’, ‘behind the times’, and ‘old-fashioned’ by the mainstream press. We must continue to remind ourselves that ‘humanity’ and ‘compassion’ and ‘ethics’ exist even in the animal world. We must no longer deny the compassion that we feel for each other on the elemental and individual level. We must commit to our changing world changing to something that benefits the lowliest of us at the expense of the very richest of us.

Every bullet fired, every bomb dropped, every soldier killed on either side of any conflict and every dead civilian killed in ideological strife is another dollar in the pockets of those who own those who rule. Blood is profit to these people and they are so evil they don’t know the meaning of ‘evil’, or their sense of compassion has become so perverted that compassion becomes redefined as the status of one’s bank account.

We all know that profits accrued at the expense of humanity and directly tied to the sufferings of other human beings is wrong. It is time to remind ourselves of this. It is time to remember that what eats those beneath you eventually eats you if the metallic grinding jaws of the military industrial complex are allowed to grow unchecked and unremarked upon.

The people who rule these industries are indifferent to the sufferings of human beings—we already know that is a fact. It is time to acknowledge the secret fear that lives in our own hearts that we, and our families, could be the next down-trodden and bleeding victims of war-mongers and profiteers shown on the television screens of an indifferent populace in some country richer than America, and that could happen any day now.

Terrorism is fed upon the mother’s milk of inequity. Wars start because of inequity. Average citizens get up from their porches, tired of observing inequity and take to the streets to protest. Protest changes things. That is the American way. It is also the American way that we will not long suffer unfairness and inequities that take from the poor to give to the rich.

That is what America is all about, and nobody can change that.

Arise America!


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