Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Torture Red Herring

The press is all about ‘torture’ and ‘waterboarding’ and other subjects regarding the current whoopteedoo around these obviously un-American acts that the Bush regime has introduced into our consciousness in the abysmal and eternal ‘war on terror’. In the meantime, the rape of the U.S.Constitution and The Bill of Rights—OUR rights as Americans continues daily while we sit around with our thumbs up our asses so that we must seem like so many millions of chimpanzees to the Bush regime. How can we be so indifferent to our fate? How can our American Press continue to deny the realities of thousands of Americans marching to protest the war on Iraq and the pending war on Iran? Are there no heroes left in America? Are we to fade into oblivion with nary a whimper of distress over the fate of our beloved country? Or is America really just a platform for making money, while patriotism and the zeal to fight for ones rights belongs to “terrorists’, who, from what I can gather, are just folks like us who are several layers deeper in the dung of the rich and who have joined the extremists of Islam in order to fight for their lives and the lives of their families. Will Americans, finally, reach that point of desperation? Is that the reason for Bush and Cheney’s private Blackwater Army? Is that the real reason for the ‘secret detention camps’ here in America? Are these things for US? For Americans?

What a waste of money. Seemingly, Americans don’t have the balls to stand up for even an honest debate about these issues, nor to stand behind those of our leaders who are trying to change things before it is too late to change anything.

The great hope that the Democratic Party would change events and bring the Bush regime to heel has died—elected Democrats in the House and Senate are knocking each other down in their rush to vote against Kucinich’s resolution to impeach Cheney for REAL high crimes and misdemeanors. The people we elected betray us daily—we’re so accustomed to that state of affairs that betrayal by the Democrats we voted into majority in order to stop this mess doesn’t even register on our consciousness—like the abused wife, we are so beaten down that we lack the will to do more than curl up and take the beating that is being handed out by our politicians.

Groceries—FOOD—is rapidly becoming UNAFFORDABLE. GAS—ENERGY—HEAT to keep us from FREEZING TO DEATH—is already unaffordable. Our utility bills rise every month so that electricity may soon be beyond the means of the average working person. We are being evicted from our homes because we can’t pay the exorbitant and hidden costs of our mortgages—or we are being evicted from our homes so that rich people can make condominiums out of our rat-hole apartments to sell to other rich people.

Are you all DAFT? Have you no will to resist this death by a thousand cuts that is currently being visited upon us by the rich? Are your dainty little jobs so important that you would rather betray your country and your people than take a stand against these people? Do you not understand that as each layer of the economic spectrum is decimated by these events, then the NEXT layer of the economic spectrum is sucked into the mindless gnawing maw of the rich? Do you not understand that there is no safety in acquiescing to the people directly above you? Do you not understand that they will also be destroyed by the top 1% with all the money?

Can you not see into the future if these unimaginably rich and powerful so-called ‘humans’ are allowed to continue in their systematic and rapidly progressing destruction of all the levels of our society? Can you not see the future when you look at the news from Iraq? Pakistan? Darfur?

You think it won’t happen here?

I think it already has and that you just don’t know it yet.

Tomorrow is another day and our turn is coming.


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