Friday, October 27, 2006

"Incompetent" and "Greedy" v. Subversive and Traitorous

My faint hope is that with a majority there will be tons of indictments forthcoming and this will temper the graft amongst the Democrats—at least for awhile. With the amount of money being tossed around these days, there’s really no way, I think, to insulate any particular individual from the temptations of easy money—I mean, wouldn’t you? I sure as hell would take it if there was no law against it.

There’s about 10 or 15 core Dems who have voted with the Republicans right along. Now, whether they will continue to do so with Dems in power is up for grabs, but if the Dems win on voting day, there will surely be a rush to justice for the crooks now running things over the cliff. And perhaps a rush to impeach Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld.

Keep in mind that Rumsfeld long ago changed the order of succession in his office and so that might make impeachment iffy since there is really no way to put anybody in the offices other than neocohorts handpicked by this pack of thieves. Nobody knows right now, but the light on the horizon might just be hope that we can turn this idiocy around and save America.

That their plan has been in the works for the past thirty years; that the general public and representatives elected are for the most part, naive as to the real and ongoing agenda of these Republicans—for instance, labeling them ‘incompetent’ or ‘greedy’ rather than subversive and traitorous leaves me enough room to be scared that we will miss the main point.


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