Monday, February 20, 2006

Just Another Serial Killer

It’s pretty clear that putting Arabs in control of our ports is nothing more than a Bush administration smoke screen so they can make yet another end run around Congress to get something else they want.

While the dog pack is snapping and snarling over this tattered bit of flesh, the Bush putsch will sneak yet another crazy idea—yet to be discovered—over on us.

ARABS guarding our PORTS!? How much more stupid will these people get? What’s next? Those pesky pedophiles guarding our children’s schools so law enforcement can keep an eye on them with less expenditure of scarce government funds, thanks to the Bush budget? Giving control of our National Parks to lumber mills? Giving control of medicine to the drug-makers? Giving control of environmental regulations to oil companies? Censoring American freedoms? Illegal surveillance? Censoring science? Vote fraud? Corruption on a massive scale?


Wait—this is democracy by dyslexia. Anyone who has ever known or worked for a dyslexic male knows what’s happening here—and has seen it on a smaller scale.

I’m not attacking dyslexics, for Chrissake, just pointing out that they are different. Their minds work differently from non-dyslexic minds. Bush is a dyslexic.

Cheney and the other boys are using Bush to realize their ends. When Cheney takes over, he’ll put it all right—his way.

God forbid. We will then have a stone killer who has never faced a real, determined adversary as Ruler of our country—not a soldier—just another serial killer.


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