Saturday, February 18, 2006

That Was Then—This Is Now.

Last election the Republicans got away with encroachments and underhanded dealings such as requesting church directories using the thinking that “church members vote Republican when they vote”.

Maybe so—last time—but after New Orleans and the Republican-created and maintained Diaspora of her citizens; after tax cuts for the rich and entitlement cuts for the poor; after years of witnessing the Bush administration’s free ride on the backs of America’s poorest and most disadvantaged, can these Republicans be so removed from reality that they imagine they will still get away with using the poor to destroy the poor?

Obviously, the answer is “yes”, and that, in a nutshell, is what continues to be so maddening about the Bush administration’s usurpation of America, and also what makes the Bush administration nearly undefeatable—that unstinting willingness to keep coming back even though their doings are revealed as underhanded, illegal, certainly immoral, and without precedent in a democracy.

In all the Bush administration’s dealings, that single-minded allegiance to some as yet unknown god of their own (Greed, one supposes); that commitment to going back again and again to draw water from the well of poverty despite revelations of incompetence, malfeasance, sedition, and the ultimate destruction of America; that high-handed disregard for the protests of the American people and honest elected officials, continues to serve to further the decadent and secret ends of Bush and his ilk.

We, The People, are not nearly as ignorant and torpid as the Bush administration would imagine based on our reactions to their criminal acts. Rather, We, The People, are naive, spoiled by generations of elected leaders who really did have our best interests at heart, and vulnerable in our belief that good trumps evil.

In this case, evil is winning. And We, The People, are waking up to an unrecognizable America brought to us by the dirty-deeds-done-dirt-cheap Bush Republicans.

This is usury at its most cynical.


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