Friday, February 17, 2006

Zealots Rule, Or, What Bush Doesn’t Want Us To Know

Four articles in today’s newspapers with links to the originating paper, when taken separately, don’t amount to much more than discussion and comment signifying nothing.

But as with most news coming to us these days, when these articles are seen as a whole indicating where the Bush mess is taking us, we have to question not only the legalities of these actions, but the potential end result of whatever motivation spurs the Bush administration to undertake the illegal and dangerous acts for which it is becoming infamous.

A Saudi Arabian company is now in charge of our major ports—when, supposedly, Homeland Security considers our ports the weakest link in keeping acts of terrorism out of America.

Having lived for years on a body of water facing one of our major ports, and witnessing ships coming through Commencement Bay to the Port of Tacoma laden with God knows what, one confronts the knowledge that anything can be smuggled into our ports from chemicals to gases to explosives—anything—simply because of the hugeness of the ships and the cargo containers, each the size of a semi-trailer and each loaded with different goods.

Now, the Saudis are “in charge” of our ports.

How far are we willing to let this administration go in destroying America?

Obviously, things are not right with this group of traitors, and obviously we need to do something to get them either under control or out of office. Or in jail, where they really belong.

Greenland’s glaciers (and one supposes, all the world’s glaciers) are melting twice as fast as we’ve been led to believe, and the Bush administration is “drafting new rules for media contact” for NASA.

And perhaps, most frightening of all in today’s news, is the storming of a library in Bethesda, Maryland by Homeland Security agents and “demanding the attention” of all patrons who were then told that the “viewing of internet porn” is “forbidden”.

Next time it will be your library, and next time the library workers won’t be able to stop them.

What then, folks?


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