Monday, May 29, 2006

The Money Machine Grinds Up American Soldiers

Shortly after the collapse of the Dubai Ports World deal which would have given control of America’s major ports to Arabs, another contract with Dubai International Capital for supplying parts for US Army tanks and helicopters, and with the “approval of the US president”, was awarded to yet another Arab company.

So now, instead of Arabs controlling our ports, they are building weapons for our military presently engaged in a vastly unpopular and dangerous job in Iraq; instead of controlling our ports they now have the decidedly more interesting job of supplying parts for US military equipment being used by our American soldiers in the Middle East, furthering the continuing ambitions of the Bush administration to take over the Middle East with an agenda unknown to the rest of America.

This contract awarded to Dubai International Capital recieved faint mention in American newspapers at the time. It was soon after the revelations of the Dubai ports deal that one might reason that this contract, also, would be struck down by our legislators. It was not. Instead, it was awarded, signed, sealed and delivered with nary a ripple in the American press.

Our soldiers are in these god-forsaken Arab countries, fighting against fanatical elements of Muslim extremism who live to die for the glory of Islam, and the skewed reasoning that would allow any predominately Muslim country--and especially one that had more to do with the support of Osama bin Laden than any other Arab country--to have a hand in outfitting our American soldiers appears to be inspired solely by the greed of our government in the persona of the Bush administration.

They can’t have it both ways—you can’t torch an Arab country and send our soldiers to die in that awful country while allowing the Bush cabal’s longtime Arab friends to build equipment that should be built right here in America without the dark cloud of potential interference and subversion of that equipment that potentially exists if it is built in the United Arab Republic by Muslim workers--or those beholden to them. Or can they…?

There is no definition for any of this but treason against The United States of America and Her People.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Held Hostage: The Overthrow Of America Is Now.

The only possible reason for the Bush Administration to hold hostage the entire communication system of The United States Of America is to prevent communication between The People, and this would indicate a putsch beyond anything we can yet imagine even as we witness the mechanics of this takeover of America by the Bush cabal on a daily basis.

We are so innocent, so spoiled, and so naïve as a people that we do not recognize what is happening to this country even as we rail and moan against the events of these days with our puling voices while the inertia of brain-dead optimism plants the seeds of hope that the next election will give us an honest President when in actuality that election is as rigged as the last one.

We await the next presidential election with the belief that our system of government will give us a change of leadership. It always has and it always has kept us from any sort of political (or otherwise) coup d'état by would-be tyrants who might have desired to divest our citizens of their rights as Americans, but if you look at all the events for which the Bush administration is responsible, you will see that there is only one possible outcome: dictatorship.

Ask yourself this: do those politicians guilty of breaking our laws and ignoring our Constitutionally mandated rights look worried about coming elections? Are they changing one whit their manner of doing the business of criminals and conspirators; the shifty business of treason? Are they taking any better care of us now that we are beginning to catch on to their tricks and schemes?

Our telephones are not our own. It is no longer possible in America to have a private telephone conversation. Our doings on the internet are, no doubt, just as watched and just as open to misinterpretation and censorship as the Bush cabal wants them to be. Our written correspondence is open to censorship and we are open to punishment for saying ‘the wrong thing’ in all our means of communicating dissatisfaction with the Bush administration under the guise of The Patriot Act.

We will not be able to communicate in order to form a Patriot Re-act.

We are guilty of “terrorism” if we attempt to gather, either in groups seeking the American right of free assembly, or in groups of like minded people exploring the possibilities of a cabal loose in our country which needs to be gotten rid of and replaced with honest politicians and sincere Americans. We are guilty of “terrorism” if the Bush administration decides to label us as such.

I write this with a fear heretofore unknown to me as an American writing what I think to be the truth.

Fear is the greatest enemy and I will try to stand up for my country regardless of the consequences in the face of the first traitor to become an American President.

That, after all, is what Americans do.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

What Do They Plan To Do With The Rest Of Us?

What does this administration already have on our dirty-deeds-done-dirt-cheap Congress? Is this why Congress sits lamely by as more and more of our civil liberties are destroyed—because the Bush administration has black-mailed our elected representatives? It is now time for Congress to speak up—grant our elected representatives amnesty in exchange for any information that shows what this administration has already done to coerce Congress and subvert liberty in America.

Who knows if ordinary people, bloggers, for instance, against the Bush administration are already being ‘renditioned’ to other countries and tortured, ‘re-educated’, murdered, and who knows if less than famous reporters critical of the administration are also being disposed of under the heading of “terrorism”?

Fear. Fear is the biggest danger inherent in surveillance damaging the American people. We are not guilty of anything, yet we stand accused by default when the Bush administration watches and records our every move and fear is the first way to subvert the rights of the American people. These people are surveilling your grandmother, for god’s sake—and fear enters our lives that we might be misjudged—some innocent action might be misinterpreted and behind that is the fear of “rendition” where we could be taken off to some godforsaken country and ‘disappeared’ from the lives of those we love who would have no recourse to find out what happened to us.

This amounts to behavior modification so that we no longer live free, but become inured to looking over our shoulders for no good reason. We are not guilty of anything, but yet we are forced to take on the aura of criminality simply because we have made a phone call.

Consider this: if you call AOL or any other ISP; if you call any large corporation for customer service, including your bank—your state social services in some cases—you are calling out of the USA. You are calling India, Africa, Pakistan—predominately MUSLIM countries that are our sworn enemies and where customer services have been outsourced to provide more profits to American corporations. That makes you a suspicious person. That gives this government carte blanche to inspect every detail of your life.

Consider this: you have a technical problem with your computer software. You call them. You are routed to a call center in another country. Easy, right?

Yes: easy to become a person of interest, labeled subversive, and opening yourself through no fault of your own to further surveillance and loss of privacy. Perhaps you are an anti-Bush blogger, or perhaps you communicate through e-mail with your children and share events reported in the news that are not advantageous to the Bush regime.

Perhaps you incorrectly access a politically “forbidden” website such as Al-Jazeerah newspaper by following search engine links relative to something completely unrelated: are you willing to trust the Bush regime to “understand” your mistake?

I was having a conversation with my daughter this morning regarding the old King James Bible versus the new and redacted versions that the theocracy works from. Jesus threw the money-changers out of the temple in the King James Bible, and I do not remember where I heard this parable—perhaps from my grandmother, or in Sunday school around the time I was three years old. Jesus himself taught us that money (politics in America today, for instance) and religion are not supposed to mix.

The theocracy, the Dominionists, would have us believe that God wants us to be rich; that wealth is a sign of God’s favor of the wealthy over the poor. Wealth, as with all other things, is a relative matter. To me, who grew up somewhat privileged and watched my parents destroy their health in the pursuit of money, wealth is a matter of healthy and happy grandchildren; a pet cat, a few fish watching my doings from their aquarium, and just enough cash to get by on and keep the wolf from the door.

More cash would be great and would buy more toys. I could drive around in a car that now costs a minimum of $60.00 for a tank of gas instead of getting on the bus and riding anywhere in town for a dollar; that costs hundreds of dollars per year to insure, thanks to the works of the Bush administration and their cohorts, the oil industry and the insurance industry among others.

I’d still be poor and my life would not be much different than it is today. There would appear to be a scheme in place to take whatever money the lower and middle classes are able to amass and to deprive us of a comfortable life. Own a home? You’re probably one or two paychecks from losing it, right? Drive a car? Have a phone, a cellphone, internet access? Running water and electricity? You’re a few paychecks from losing all the creature comforts to which you have become addicted.

Keep voting for these Dominionists. Keep on believing your theocon preacher when he tells you that God wants you to vote for George W. Bush and the Republican gang.

And do not ever consider thinking in realistic terms about what our future holds if the Bush regime continues to destroy America, to ignore global warming, to drill in the wilderness, to pollute our skies, our water, and the earth from which our food grows in order to secure the wealth of the richest 1% of our population.

But, consider this:

What do they plan to do with the rest of us?