Monday, November 21, 2005

Message To Ms. Huffington, et alia

I am a new reader of The Huffington Post, Ariana Huffington’s alternative news source, and also, a new reader of Robert Scheer’s alternative news source. As the future of news in this world, these sites and others that exist and/or will follow are extremely important. However, it seems that there is a slant toward focusing on infighting among reporters and former reporters and digesting all the gossip and so forth: yes, these contrary-to-freedom events are occurring at an alarmingly quick pace and nobody seems to ‘get it’’.

America as the ideal of freedom—WE—are not only ‘in danger’ of losing our liberty, we are losing liberty on a daily, if not hourly, basis and the focus on in-depth reporting of these events belies the dire need we have to ‘DO SOMETHING’ about it. Are we helpless in the face of these looming reductions of our liberties? Our abilities to speak the truth? Our abilities to shape and re-shape our country to what the mostly sane majority desires and what the history of liberty inspires?

30,000 Americans lost their jobs today. The people who will keep their jobs will now make $9.50 per hour with no benefits. That’s the average wage in any American outsourced call center—something a lot of us have been trying to live on for years now and since we were highly underpaid and without representation, we were not listened to in our puling complaints of unfairness.

These events—the reshaping of America as a third-world country—have now reached your level. And the speed with which this economic cancer is spreading up the socio-economic triangle is appalling. Can this malignancy be stopped? I do not know.

What I do know is that all y’all educated, and—compared to most of us—wealthy folks--need to gather resources faster, fight harder to demand change in our elected officials, and expose the fraudulent, while also calling for organized and ‘socially acceptable’ protest.

Don’t be afraid to call this mess publically what you call it when you speak in private groups, or in your bathroom mirror. Our country—our America—has been stolen gradually over the last thirty years. This is treason. This is the Neo Conservative AGENDA, and while y’all are congratulating and castigating each other for turning over yet another rock to find a stinking mess under it our country continues to fall ever deeper into the cesspool of greed and private interests. America is screaming “Rape!”, and the press, while well-meaning, is running off in search of bandaids.

Return to your American History 101—the days and ways of Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, and all those other grandfathers of the American Press without which this country would still be under England’s thumb, and under the control of yet another despotic ruler: the other King George.

If I have offended any of you, grammatically or intellectually, with this post, I do apologize, but as a grandmother of seven, whose family came to these shores in 1735, I have a tremendous ache for what my country has become and continues to be in danger of becoming. You, the members of The Press, are our only hope.


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