Saturday, October 15, 2005

Facing The Wall

Thoughts on Social Darwinism, also know as Neo-Conservativism:

I recently read a very interesting book, entitled “American Dynasty”, by Kevin Phillips and while some of the book may be false (I have no idea whether it is or not), parts of it ARE true, based on the schedule of past events available to me with just a quick and incomplete search of the records available on the internet, various news sources (reputable), and my own experience.

I feel like such a total idiot: these neo-conservatives have been working their Machiavellian agenda for roughly three decades, and I have been alive and somewhat sentient and the events of the current times have come to pass through a carefully calculated formula marching towards a future tyranny unlike anything we have seen since the times of Hitler.

Just a scanning of “American Dynasty” will show you how the Neo-Conservative agenda is nothing more than another cover-up for the Bush agenda...Machiavelli tells one to smile, speak religion, and then to do what one wants to do to achieve ones ends. Bush, as Mr. Phillips calls it, is a ‘serial prevaricator’ enormously successful liar who sees no wrong in lying to 99% of us to achieve the ends of the rich 1%.

So, in reality, that leaves 99% of us (for you other idiots out there) with no future other than a gradual declination of rights and abilities to do basic things like live under a roof, eat, stay warm, and feed our children.

I am so disheartened after reading this book that turning my head towards the wall seems like the only solution to an undercurrent of despair for the future of my family and my country. I am not, however, that kind of gal and my anger perks just beneath the surface.

I find enormous hope in the works of Joy DeGruy Leary, Ph.D. Her book, “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America's Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing” is due out very soon, and I think that one surefire way to deal with the Neo-Conservative agenda lies in joining poor whites and poor blacks—the poor of all stripes and colors—and her book and theories may be a focal point for all of us, no matter our color.

Voting is not a sure thing, as we’ve seen time and again—the Republican/Neo-Conservatives/Bushes feel perfectly justified in stealing our votes to replace them with more lies. Bush lost the presidency by 500, 000 popular votes, and gained the presidency by one vote through the Supreme Court. He then gave countless favors to the family of the Justice who voted that one vote. It’s in the book, is a fact.

I am not greatly concerned with exact quotes here, for as I have stated before, I am not a scholar of such things—as a mother, a grandmother, a potential great-grandmother, as the product of a matriarchal southern family, as the seed of the future, I write from my emotional stand...we are lost if we do not rise. Today.


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